Friday 24 October 2014


As lush is around the corner from my work it's somewhere i often like to go in and have a little browse. Isn't the smell amazing in there?! and who doesn't like a brightly coloured, fun fizzing, perfumed smelling bath???
So as a student i don't often get to have baths, i am constrained to the shower life, so i thought i would pick up a little treat for my baths on my visit home. Now obviously when you walk into lush trying decide through the outrageous amounts of amazing smells, colours and shapes is a difficult choice! but here's the two that caught my attention:

Northern lights bath bomb: 
Description: a sparkling, colourful bomb turns your eater into a night time spectacle. 
This one is my favourite, it has quite a floral smell and a vibrant purple colour. I literally can't WAIT to try this, picture updates coming soon. 

Sparkler bath bomb:
Description: turn your water into a spectacular bonfire night time display with this crackling and fizzy bath bomb. 
I am SO excited to use this one, perfectly timed with bonfire night just around the corner. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Autumn skin essentials

the cold winter is fast approaching which means only one thing! Dry skin and cracked lips and finding the right products to deal with them can be a costly process. So here's a few of my faves so far this autumn:
1: Simple - Kind to skin - deep cleansing face mask: After a long hard search for a deep cleansing face mask that didn't dry out my skin all my questions have been answered. Simple kind to skin not only leaves my skin feeling squeaky clean it also keeps it looking clear and clean. Unlike other face masks where this effect seems to be short lived this leaves a lasting effect.

2:Simple - Kind to skin - sunkissed moisture cream: Finding a moisturiser that doesn't leave your skin oily and clogged up is a difficult task. However, this moisturiser is light and unscented leaving my skin feeling soft without the oiliness. The sunkissed element leaves my skin lightly tanned, not too noticeable so i look like I've purely tanned my face, but a nice subtle glow.

3:Norwegian Formula Nourishing hand cream: As the temperature has started to drop, my hands have already started to dry up. Having recently moved back out to live on my own the added stress on my hands from washing up is leaving them with some pretty vicious dry patches. The normal scented hand cream that i use every day just wasn't cutting it, so i turned to this. This was a recommendation to me and worked wonders on my hands clearing the soreness up within a day. It's concentrated formula clears up dry skin like a dream and this nordic berry version smells amazing. This product 100% comes in as my top autumn skin essentials product.

4: Burt's Bees Lip Balms: Finding a good lip balm that doesn't dry out your lips can be a nightmare, especially when it seems that so many of them do the exact opposite to what they are supposed to. Burt's Bees lip balms have worked flawlessly on so many occasions at getting my lips back into tip top condition. I would definitely recommend to anyone who suffers with dry lips. (added bonus, they smell AMAZING)

Sunday 12 October 2014


So after a long summer of hot sun and sea air i can definitely conclude that my hair did not feel silky smooth or in fact happy at all?! even after getting it cut at the regular six week interval. So i set off on my search to find hair products that would help my hair back into a soft and healthy state. 
Firstly i began by using Garnier Ultimate blends shampoo and conditioner set. 
Now, as someone who has coloured their hair for many years, colour care shampoo and conditioner sets are something i quite often use. However, i have never come across one which is quite as amazing as Garnier Ultimate blends 'The Colour Illuminator'! This set not only made my hair feel absolutely amazing and made it look so shiny it also made my hair smell so beautiful. Along side this they also have the 1 minuite which, if you're hair is as dry as mine was by the end of the summer works wonders! 

Another product which i am literally in love with is TIGI S-Factor Conditioner. This conditioner is to be left of for 3-5 mins and honestly transforms your hair hydrating it and bringing back your soft silky hair. Not only that it has a beautiful strawberry and mint smell which i absolutely love.  Although a bit more pricey i would definitely say it is worth the money. 

Next stop to try is hair masks! 
Talk to you soon! 
Zora xo



I've decided to step out in to the big wide world of blogging. These first steps haven't been too difficult but where to go next is a whole other story?! So, what to do... what to do..... I don't suppose many people will look at this yet, but if you should happen to stumble over this post and have any advice, please feel free to give me a shout! 

I think that's it for now!
However, with plenty of posts planned and ready to go i'm sure it wont be long until i'm back again. 
Zora xo