Sunday 12 October 2014


So after a long summer of hot sun and sea air i can definitely conclude that my hair did not feel silky smooth or in fact happy at all?! even after getting it cut at the regular six week interval. So i set off on my search to find hair products that would help my hair back into a soft and healthy state. 
Firstly i began by using Garnier Ultimate blends shampoo and conditioner set. 
Now, as someone who has coloured their hair for many years, colour care shampoo and conditioner sets are something i quite often use. However, i have never come across one which is quite as amazing as Garnier Ultimate blends 'The Colour Illuminator'! This set not only made my hair feel absolutely amazing and made it look so shiny it also made my hair smell so beautiful. Along side this they also have the 1 minuite which, if you're hair is as dry as mine was by the end of the summer works wonders! 

Another product which i am literally in love with is TIGI S-Factor Conditioner. This conditioner is to be left of for 3-5 mins and honestly transforms your hair hydrating it and bringing back your soft silky hair. Not only that it has a beautiful strawberry and mint smell which i absolutely love.  Although a bit more pricey i would definitely say it is worth the money. 

Next stop to try is hair masks! 
Talk to you soon! 
Zora xo

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